Friday, May 29, 2009

Subject that should be taught in school

I have thought that basic finances and how to invest should be a requirement for every high school grad. We teach them all kinds of subjects and material that they are not really practical to the real world. Doesn't it make sense to teach them skills such as interest rates, different types of investments, credit card issues, what to look for when you are purchasing your first home, how a mortgage works, and responsible spending? Thankfully my parents taught me the value of the dollar and how to invest properly. I was also taught not to buy items that I could not pay cash for. Dave Ramsey's financial peace university should be a semester long class that is a requirement to graduate.

1 comment:

  1. That is a great idea. Fortunately for our students at Caledonia we offer such a program. I have heard many good things about this from our students. Every school should "invest" in the DVD's.
